Feels like the choke is always on?


New Member
Mar 18, 2010
Kalamazoo, MI
Hello all, first time posting. I Just picked up a 2001 blaster. Looks to be entirely stock and has decent compression. Cleaned and oiled air filter and replaced spark plug. Starts easily and idles fine. The issue is that even after it's warmed up it runs like the choke is still on. Takes off well enough, but it starts to bog at the top end.

Thanks in advance!
Ok, started the tear down today. Here is what I found so far.

As you can see, the slider is completely black. I wouldn't think this is normal?
Lots and Lots of carb cleaner :D Mine looks similar to yours and its fine. I got some of the blackness off but its pretty tuff. You Air Fuel Screw is out pretty far maybe your running to lean and not getting enough gas .
Thanks, I'll turn it back in when I put it back together. Can you tell me how to disconnect the oil feed on the other side of the carb? I want to take the carb comletely of the bike to clean it, but I can't figure out how to disconnect that.
Okay found the problem. For starters the float height was out of spec and the floats were a bit twisted. Fixed easily enough. The bigger problem was that the previous owner had at some point changed the main jet to a 230 and set the needle jet at the 2nd position. According to the manual this was the correct position for a 230 jet, except that the plastic washer was installed under the clip instead of on top of the clip. This basically put the needle in the third position causing the bike to run too rich. Also probably helped Thoroughly cleaning the carb as well. Thanks for the help Norm!
Glad ya got her figured out :) The carb can be a huge pain in the butt. Ive owned 4 Blasters in my lifetime and all had to have carb work and jetting.