F7 exhaust pics!!!!

thanks!!! guys it sounds real nice..

and no I dont think it is a spark arrestor you would half to talk to pittboss about that....
yeah it sounds nice...

ive rode it around the driveway thats all
I havent left 3rd gear
how loud is it? cuz im thinking about either getting the f7 or the toomey? and does the pipe stick out a lot on the right side sence its a right bend pipe?
no it does not stick out that much...
its alot louder than stock but its not the loudest... LOL!!
yeah i here the toomey is the loudest lol but try to get a video up so we can here how it sounds! it looks really good
yea man deff get a vid i wanna here this baby!!! im gonna make some more vids of mine i deff have plans for this blaster im just stuck on what to turn the bike into....
ohh wait I will half to wait until saturday to put the video up....

my camara is at my cousins house
lol I wish!!! but the cops around his house are dicks LOL!!!

I got a 150$$ fine for riding my bike on the sidewalk...
and then I got in even more trouble when I called the cop a dum ass....