Engine Stand for Dualstroke


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
dually and I had just talked about me cutting the engine cradle out of the bent frame i have, for him to use for his dragger's engine, to work on during his off race seasons.
so when the neighbor guy asked me if i could use this metal tubing from an old treadmill, an engine stand instantly came to mind.
today it came to life I:I
still got some rough edges to shape, cleaning of the welds and spatter and prolly give it a sweet paint job ?
then off to my masshole brutha it goes :D




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i woulda cut up my pile of a frame to give u the cradle I:I foe price of shipping it to ya

i was going to cut up my bent frame and ship it to him........... for free,
and this will be shipped for free too, thats how us Hard-KOR bruthas roll I:I

this was a good way to kill a rainy day, the materials were free, puts the engine up higher with no frame in the way to work on it, and prolly way steadier than a frame too ??
i tried to tip it over and couldn't I:I
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Wow looks great bro.I was told I had something being made but had no idea what it was going to be.I was kept in suspense!!I:I That will work alot better then just the cradle.I will mount this down to a small bench (accesible on 4 sides)so it will have no chance of moving.Awesome job bro.:DI:I Maybe someday I will repay the favor:p
Neat idea, the only improvement I would make would a slip in mounting on the rear bolt.

Like notch it out so the bolt can drop in slots from the top.

It would make easy fitting for the front bolt and would leave a free hand to insert it if the rear was already suspended..
Neat idea, the only improvement I would make would a slip in mounting on the rear bolt.

Like notch it out so the bolt can drop in slots from the top.

It would make easy fitting for the front bolt and would leave a free hand to insert it if the rear was already suspended..

i did consider and could still do that ?
as it sits, it takes 2 people to get it into the stand, 1 to position the engine and 1 to apply the bolts.
but this is only going in and out once per season i figured, and dually has help available at home .
I work mainly on my own and two slots would make for a one person fitup and a lot easier removal, with a complete motor.

A few swipes with a saw would change a great idea to an excellent one.
thats a really good idea id almost make me one but i dont plan on taking mt blaster motor out of the frame and working on it for a while
^^ tht is one dirty engine in the cradle

that is a spare set of cases at best,
i inherited that from my buddy scotty for all the work i did to his blaster during his build, and spare parts i gave him. the cases are flawless, but was left to sit outside as you see it. it was full of water when scotty got it in a parts lot deal,
notice the connecting rod standing at attention :o
it must have an endless supply of viagra, as it has been locked at "morning wood" for 2 years now I:I
i've managed to salvage the shift rod and star from it for scottys bike, and just used the clutch basket gear for mine. i'm assuming the tranny may be good too as it was still full of oil.
but i really only wanted it for the good set of cases.....and now to mock up the stand
a little grinding, some light sanding, a couple coats of black rustoleum, threw the plastic end caps back in, and off to my masshole brother it goes......

