Engine problem please help

Rawcycles lady

New Member
Sep 29, 2013
Wareham ma
I just picked up a 06 blaster was riding today on my bogs. Towards end of day oil stared coming out of tube on the bottom end. The tube is on the kick start side rear of cylinder, it's on top of bottom end next to back of cylinder please help guys thanks bike still runs good just trying not to kill it. :-/
Heat causes expansion and oil will travel up the vent tube.

The way I read your post the tube is not long enough.

The tube should terminate up under the hood, just rearward of the headlight.
That's where the tube comes out under hood I originally thought it was a shock then saw tube leaking I'm going not do oil change tmrw to see what happens
Did oil change def. to much oil in it. Bike had just underr 900cc of oil plus what came out over flow! Put new oil and rite amount lol rode for cple hrs n nothing:) thank u guys for your help
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