Enduro Race


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
South Africa
The race in which i am racing this weekend has just been cut short. It were a 150 mile race and will now only be 90 miles due to a lot of rain the past week!
On the one side i am glad but now it has also changed that it is a single rider race not team race any more. Course is now 3 laps of 30 miles each. Phragle what do you think for fuel stops? Might make it with one after 60 miles, so what do your people think??? and FULL OUT last lap
just fill up every lap, seriously how long does it take to fill the tank?
while your there you could put a new spark plug in too.
get a pit crew
done test run today. I won't make 60 miles on one tank! get 42 miles while going strong. I will fill up after 1st lap and add just enough to finish race.
If you have the stock tank, you can, if you carefull, place blocks under your tank for pipe clearance or anything else that comes close... then boil enough water to full the tank, fill the tank with water (drain the gas first) put the cap on and using a tire pump presurize the tank to about 4 or 5 psi. repeat a couple times and you should be able to increase the tank size some. also pull out the plastic stuffer that is in the fill hole if its still there.
a backpack and 2 32oz gatorade bottles filled with pre-mix may just be the ticket , get to your 40-45 mile mark and fill up on the trail and maybe just a quick splash n dash to finish it out
Another thought.. is this veryone on the same course at once or just your class?? look tinto how it is structured, some races throw the checkered when the first bike crosses the finish line. This setup would mean a much faster rider may do 4 laps in the time it takes you to do 3 shortening your race.
the last scramble i did i had to switch to reserve half way thu the last lap did 4 laps + the parade lap at 5.8 miles per lap so i got about 35 miles with a little reserve to spare
That sound right i got 42 miles all finished nothing left. The organizers say the the course looks like a swamp with the last 2 weeks rain, but likely they took out the water crossings!!
Dust might also be less the 1&2 lap.
There are only 2 classes 1:All cc up to 250cc 2stroke or 400cc 4stroke and 2:the rest above
There wont be 2 many blaster in my class, the competition will be 300cc hondas and LTZ 400's
inthat case, waterproof the hell ot of your bike and borrow some mud sharks. spray your bike with wd40 and Pam, top bottom and sides, even under the fenders, spray everywhere that can be sprayed. Buy some smith rolloff goggles with a mudshield. get a old water fire extinquisher, you fill them with water and pressurize them with air. The shoot a pretty good stream of water an can quickly rinse caked on mud from the cylinder fins during pit stops.
If you have the stock tank, you can, if you carefull, place blocks under your tank for pipe clearance or anything else that comes close... then boil enough water to full the tank, fill the tank with water (drain the gas first) put the cap on and using a tire pump presurize the tank to about 4 or 5 psi. repeat a couple times and you should be able to increase the tank size some. also pull out the plastic stuffer that is in the fill hole if its still there.

I got a little less than a quart but I was real careful cuz I didn't have a spare tank. Probably not enough to get ya through the race but it's a no cost mod that might come in handy in the future. I used a compressor with the reg turned way down but a tire pump would be better. Takes forever for that much water to cool to where you can let off the pressure and hit it again so I sprayed it with the water hose for awhile till it's cool enough to hold its form. Old crab cooker came in handy :)
