electrical question help


New Member
Jan 13, 2013
Ive been trying to fix a bike and it has been a real pain in the butt. I have developed a problem that involves no spark. It started of course when the bike wouldnt start. The first thing I did to check was go to the stator, checked the wires with my DVM and got nothing, so i pulled the cover off to look at it. First thind i noticed was all the copper winding laying the bottom of the case behind the cover. I had another stator tested it and it was okay, so i through it on there and figured it would fire right back up. Man was i wrong. So i went through the electrical check list and come up with a question. here are the results of the check

Orange wire off the coil to ground 1.7
spark plug wire to the orange wire 11.09
stator wire white/red to black 19.9
stator wire red/black to black 228.7
spark plug boot 4.948
main key switch no contunity when on/and contunity when off
engine stop handlebar switch no contunity when on/contunity when off

I then fitted a test light to the orange wire off of the coil motor harness side and grounded the other and kicked the bike. No light what so ever.

so my quetion i know the one reading between the spark plug wire to coil is out of spec, but doesnt the no light when kicking indicate a bad cdi.

sorry for the long post but just wanted to give the details of the check. Should i buy the new coil or the cdi. Ive heard that alot of coils read out of spec but operate fine.

thanks for any help in advance
i'd say cdi too,
but we've had a few guys ohm test the stator coils/pickup to be good, when in fact it wasn't.

try testing the wh/red and bl/red to ground, and between each other, while kicking it and see if it's putting out a pulse
Would those be just like the plug shoul hit with every rotation if the motor

i'd say, can't remember if i tried it before or not, had my black bike drive me insane for over a month, tested and swapped every piece from my bike onto it.
still no spark
started unwrapping the wire harness and found a 3 wire ground splice under the front of the fuel tank that had worn the solder connection thru the tape and into the black/white wire.
i've read others found troubles there too after that.

easiect way is to start swapping known working parts onto it until you find which is bad