hi i bought my first blaster the other day and was wondering if i should rejet and which size. theres a full fmf exhaust and a k&n filter and i live at 3300 feet elevation in northern az.
ok i will try to check the size on my next day off. what size should it be and if i take off airbox what size should i go to. any recomendations on brand of jets. im going to check the plug as well since the filter was pretty dirty the plug might not be the best as well.
ok so at least a 270 jet for a open air box or just pipes and filter. thank you for the reponses. this is the first 2 stroke ive had in a long timeso i will try to get all the info and let you guys know. does anyone know a good shop in northern az by laughlin NV or anyone else that lives around here that knows these blasters.
Would it be safe to run with stock filter and pipes on stock jets til I get new jets?
im also new too 2 strokes and all im pulling the carb apart and doing a rebuild on it tonight was thinking while i got it apart jetting for open air box my blaster is bored .30 over and it has stock everything else for now in process of getting exhaust my question is could i put like a 290 jet in there now since its apart and run a 290 jet if i have just the air box off or will it be too rich