They are one of the best constructed pipes! VERY HIGH QUALITY!!! I can't say enough about that. Fit and fnish are incredible. Fits like a glove. Sounds great (not why you buy a pipe,but...) It has plenty of low end "ooomph"and an nice hard hitting mid range.
Get the head re-designed with a proper squish band and chamber,and then couple that to a well thought out "Aggresive Desert" port job,and that pipe will make it come alive!. It will then have a VERY,VERY hard hitting mid range that revs all the way to the top,and pulls hard all the way while doing it,plus also increases the over-rev of the power band a bit. The best part is that you still have lots and lots of low end grunt to do slow technicle trails,logs,etc. Excellent for the trail!.
Another plus is that it NEVER,and I mean NEVER leaks around the area where it bolts to the head,no matter how many times you re-use the stock gasket. It bolts to the head just like a stock pipe. No springs,or special flanges required.
If you are like me and are constantly taking the cylinder head on ond off all the time to re-machine different combustion chamber shapes,and designs,then this pipe if for you. You can remove the six nuts and washers,and the head comes right off without the pipe getting in the way! Six nuts and off it comes. Perfect for easy cylinder inspections.