
May 12, 2010
i might sell my blasty if we figure out wats wrong with it but anyway im gonna sell it and get a dirtbike ive had quads since i was about 4 and i want something diffrent and i want to get a 4 stroke ( thats gonna make yall mad) and a ttr 125 is to small and a ttr230 is to big so i started lookin around and i found exactly wat i want a CRF150R. they are smaller but yet faster than ttr 230's but i shouldnt get my hopes up because more than likely i F**KED up the blaster. but to anyone on blastyforum that has these bikes are they good and fast i would like to know.
i don't own one but i've ridden one and they are great bikes, they are good on the track but they kick ass on trails too even though they're a mx bike. if you get one i think you will love it but it depends on what you like.
i'm trading the blaster for a crf 150f with some cash on top of it. i need a beginner bike. i love riding atv's but quads are getting too plain i need to mix it up.
great trail bike and beginer bike pretty reliable to but sry dude anit no way in hell its beating a ttr 230 my blaster smokes a crf 150 dont in the dirt tho because i got bald tires lol but there pretty decent
You will need to adjust the valves every 25hours or so. My best friend used to own one (moved to a 250r). He hated it cause the dealer would charge him a sh*t load just to adjust them. other than that, great bike.
yeah man like blaster200boy said you will have to adjust valves every few hours but if you know how to do it it's no problem and they are very good bikes and last a long time. after i rode one i wished i had one because they are a ton better than a crf150f even in the trails they are better.
yeah if you got the right tools valves are a very easy job but if you don't know how to do it then get somebody to show you or if nothing else you may have to take it to a shop. four strokes aren't hard to work on you just have to know what you're doing. if you're mechanically inclined then it will be a great bike for you and you shouldn't have any problems adjusting valves.
there great little bikes, very fast, can be made to be almost as fast as the 250 4 strokes

i wanted one for the longest time, but thats when i couldnt fit a 250, diffrent storry now, lol
crf150r's are great bikes for beginners and expert riders who are too small for a 250f. i think when they first came out, some kid was breaking records on one in that class if i remember right. and imo, anyone who owns a high performance 4 stroke bike or quad needs to either a.) have lots of money, or b.) take a couple hours and learn how to adjust valves. shops sometimes charge an arm and a leg to do it and if you know how to do it it takes a half hour to check, and if they need adjusted, an hour or two more. thats not just the 150, thats most 4 strokes, especially the high performance water cooled ones
hahaha i might have to get one now cause my dad said if i get a dirtbike he's gonna find a waay to get him another one ( he had dirt bikes from 125's to 250 racers to 490 hillclimbin dirtbikes). and he said wen he rides a dirtbike he goes fast not like he is on a 4 wheeler all slow and stuff so im gonna get me one.
Dude don't feel bad Im selling the yz either this winter or next spring so I can buy a crf 250 I want 4 stroke(yiiiikkkkkssss) and I want to be able to put along without ringing the yz neck cause it gets iratating after a while. I am gunna save all winter and buy it next spring.
Those are kickass little bikes... in no way are they related to a 150F, and in the hands of a good rider very potent.

But any small bore 4stroke that revs to 14K is going to be a high maintenance biotch and in reality if you can handle your blaster a 125 2stroke or 250 4stroke wont be a problem at all and is a better choice.... hell if you got the balls get a 250 2stroke.