cr85 got questions


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
I no I have a thread about this but that thread has to much bs in I have alot of questions about my cr85
I got it to run with this so called blown head gasket the kid told me it had
1.when I start the bike stuff drips out from the bottem of the carb somewhere the stuff looks red so Im guessing its a oil and gas mixture?

2.some screw is striped by the powervavle and I think its where you let out the anitfreeze?(I will get pics soon)

3.the kid gave me a gasket for the powervavle but says to me there is a newone in there how would I no if the old one is bad and is it easy to change? kickstart has like slack in in then it grabs it can still start the bike but is it gonna brake soon?

5.I need the shop to do something with that striped screw so should I just tell them to do the head gasket and get it running nice? because I need to bring it there anyways is it gonna be a lot of money for them to do it because I need bolts for the plastics,grips

6. when I bought the bike it had no airfilter in it but he gave me a twin air in a new package should I be worried

7.the shop told me he did buy new piston and rings and gasket kit like 1 month ago which he told me,could him not running it without a filter wreak the head gasket

8. the lines of the radiator werent on I just put them back on are they fine to just put anitfreeze in and be fine
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no one has any input on 2 strokes or knows anything about them? I need this info because I dont no it and actally want to ride the bike
get some pics and ill do my best to help you. for the stripped screw use visegrips and put em on their real tight. i wouldnt worry about their being no filter and if he gave you a gasket for the powervalve cover just put the new one on
get some pics and ill do my best to help you. for the stripped screw use visegrips and put em on their real tight. i wouldnt worry about their being no filter and if he gave you a gasket for the powervalve cover just put the new one on

okay I will get pics in a few minutes and I can take the screw out I just cant tighten it good
The bolt im pointing at in the photo is the one that doesnt tighten but i can get it to come out
does it just slide out or screw in? it might be the wrong size or you might need to get a tap and die set and clean up the threads.
it screws in but once it gets tight it gets lose again and the threads look kinda messed up,what is that screw exactly just to empty the anitfreeze also with the powervavle how do i put in a gasket I take it off then put the gasket in with gasket gule put it on and then put on the case back around it