cr125 bog again


New Member
Dec 10, 2008
East Stroudsburg ,PA
i had it out today and it was runnin sweet than out of no where it bog so bad in the topend,iti put a different plug but it was used before.idk maybe the carb any help,it ran good for 5 minute with the other plug but it bogged bad again.i can put put fine tho
Check ur air filter if its dirty it will make ur bike run a little richer, was the plug wet and oily? im thinking its too rich.
check dirt rider out its a good forum with good people that will help you out with any dirt bike you have.
Carbon fouled: the plug is black with a dry, sooty deposit on the entire plug surface.
1. rich fuel mixture
2.spark plug heat range too cold
3. clogged air filter
4. retarded ignition timing
5. ignition componet failure
6. low compression
7. prolonged idling
poor high speed performance: 1. fuel system:
a.clogged air filter
b.clog in shutoff valve, fuel line or carb
c. incorrect carb fuel level
d.incorrect jet
e. carb float valve sticking
f. clogged jet
g.air leaks at intak manifolf
h.loose carb hose clamp
i.clogged silencer
j.exhaust valve stuck closed
k. damaged reed valve
l.clogged carb vent hoses
a.fouled or improperly gapped spark plug
b.defective/shorted spark plug lead and cap
c. defective icm unit
d.defective ignition coils
e.defective stator coils
f. damaged flywheel
3. engine:
a.low compression
b.defective exhaust valve
c.excessive carbon build upon exhaust valve
d.damaged expansion chamber(header)
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it was alost like i woul hit the kill switch when i was speeding up,think it could be a plug.and yea it happened before but it just stopped.its almost like when it starts to get hot it bogs
it was alost like i woul hit the kill switch when i was speeding up,think it could be a plug.and yea it happened before but it just stopped.its almost like when it starts to get hot it bogs

is it overheating? i can touch the cylinder on my 125 after a long trail ride without getting burned.