iive got a stock blaster wiv airlid on my elevation is 889ft ive just orderd a full fmf and a 270 main jet will it work ??
isnt ther another way round it sum 1 said to run just a fmf 260 main is needed
In a cold climate a #260 could be too lean, and could fry the piston.
If for some reason you are unable to do a plug chop, put in a bigger jet like a #290, warm up the bike and take it for a WOT run.
If the motor babbles, burbles, lacks power or sounds like a 4 poke at WOT, then reduce the size of the jet until it runs well.
In a cold climate a #260 could be too lean, and could fry the piston.
If for some reason you are unable to do a plug chop, put in a bigger jet like a #290, warm up the bike and take it for a WOT run.
If the motor babbles, burbles, lacks power or sounds like a 4 poke at WOT, then reduce the size of the jet until it runs well.