complete rebuild wont start

joe rocket

New Member
Jul 25, 2009
ok so i am rebuilding my blaster,ive done the bulk of the project and when i go to fire her up it wont start.. iv had the fram repainted with a poly epoxy enamel primer(stuff they use on bulldozers) then finished with car paint and clear. fresh rebuild with port job,bored .040 .over.eliminated the tors,oil light,key switch,oil block off,only have three wires running down the ignition module,new plug at .03 gap. compession is good,plug had gas on it when i pulled ,and the plug gets spark when i tested it but it looked a little weak. you might laugh at me but i think its cause i dident grind down my paint at the ground on the ignition module and the ground at the voltige regulator.will this cause weak spark or something else.just dont want to rough up paint job if i dont have too payed 300 bucks for it,..thanks