clutter filled handlebars


Jul 25, 2011
Burlington, Mass
i wanna try to get rid of some of the things on the handlebars..i was wondering what does that plug from the handlebar lever do?? does it need to be unplugged or can i just unplug it and buy a normal brake lever assembly?? and also what about the on and off switch is there a smaller one? and will the quad still run with it unplugged or no?? could a dirtbike kill switch work?? thanks in advance
If you run no light you could run a tether. You can get rid of the park brake cable with a simple block off plate and get a new/cleaner front brake lever. If you deleted the tors system you can remove the wires from the throttle.
i already dont have the park brake cable (awks brakes) i got rid of the tors the only calbe im worried about is the one coming from the brake assembly idk what its for?
definitely got rid of the clutter on mine.


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Im starting to get rid of all mine i wanna hide the killswitch somewhere l. I already got rid of the brake assembly by using a spare clutch perch.. but last is the throttle any way to get a smaller better looking one its huge