clutch troubleshoot


New Member
Aug 20, 2012
Just out on new plates. The ball is in and the notch on the clutch lever is lined up. The plates are on correctly. The engine still turns over???
I am trying to diagnose the problem with my clutch. Those are what I did and still couldn't get it to work. Calm the hell down.
Still no idea of the problem, is it dragging, slipping, hard to pull, grabbing, squeaking, smoking, or what. you give some symptoms, we offer some cures.
The cable should be adjusted back off until there is a tiny bit of slack before it moves the actuator arm.

There should be 5 - 8 mm free play at the clutch lever before the arm moves.
all of those "cures" above sound like they'd cause a slipping clutch, not locked up as he describes ??

did you put the correct amount of fibers/plates back in ? 1 too many of either and it will never disengage.
did you reuse the smaller diameter clutch fiber abd wave washer ? was the wave washer inside that fiber ? (posssible it fell down beside it ?)

were the clutch plates soaked in oil for 24 hrs. before installation ?
is the required 650ml of oil in the trans ?
some (my driveline performance 240hd clutch) will "hang" until the engine is warm and it's been cycled a few times

try warming the bike up and pulling the clucth in a few times and report back

when you did the internal rod adjustment and aligned the actuator to the notch on the case, did you turn the rod in till it lightly touched the ball and back it off 1/2 a turn, then tighten the jamb nut with lock-tite ? (while holding the rod from moving)
if that nut backs off even a little, it will not push the pressure plate out enuf to disengage the clutch. and if it backs off and falls down in...expect an implosion !
did you look to see the rod was actually pushing the pressure plate out before putting the cover back on ??

the clutch rod adjustment has to be in one of these vids......

part 3 ?........
There should be 7 fiber disks and 6 steel plates, did you start with a fiber and end with a fiber? One other thing that mybasterisblue said, when you put the pressure plate on did you line up the dot on the plate with the dot on the inner basket? May not cause the problem but needs checked.

I had that problem once and I found out that the large thicker washer behind the outer basket (one with the gear) was too thick. This is something to check only if you completely removed the clutch basket from the motor.

Otherwise is must be something done during install! Unless this problem was happening before install!