clutch problem


New Member
Aug 20, 2008
Well i was riding today finsihing the break in and i got on it a little in 5th gear anyway my clutch got reall soft like nothing in the handle htne when i pull it in it makes a kinda grinding noise now is the clutch bad? is it hard to change
i wonder if the nut at the end of the adjuster rod came off and if the noise is the nut pinging around in there and there not bad to change
Yeah i guess it could be but wouldn't i hear it all the time being in the bottom end it only makes noise when you engage the clutch hasn't seemed right since i got it when it wasn't running you couldn't move the bike in gear with it engaged
pop the clutch cover off and take a peek.Its pretty simple.And from the sounds of it you need take a look in there before something gets destroyed if it hasnt already.
if the clutch is staying engaged when lever is pressed then you got the clutch very hot and seized the clutch rod inside case to the little ball/bearing. a friend done that to my blaster a week after i got it riding clutch does that. costed me 230.00 for local yamaha shop to fix . if that is what happened then you will have to split the case to repair more than likely. lucky for me the outer rod seized to the ball so didnt have to split case just replace rod and ball