clutch not letting go


Jul 11, 2010
Orange Co., NY
Ok so I began a full rebuild in august on a mess that ran ok but had great compression so I did little to the engine other than a really good carb cleaning, new reeds, oil pump delete and a tors delete. The engine sat w/out tranny oil until I ran it two days ago. I djusted the. Air bleed screw and idle and when I shifted it into gear it stalled like I wasn't pulling the clutch handle.
I had ajusted the free play but that was all I ever touched concerning the clutch until yesterday. After that little episode I opened the clutch up and adjusted the clutch according 2 my Clymer's manual and some advice from AWK and redid the free play.
Tried testing the clutch while it is still open and it still wont let go.
The plates separate when I squeeze the clutch lever but while the lever is pulled in and the plates open I can't roll the bike while it's in gear. You can see the pics and vid I took of the open clutch on the last page of my build "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie". Sorry I didn't link u right 2 it but I can't fig out how to paste the link working from the emergency room on my phone I:I
My clutch did the same thing when i installed the new one. I put it back together anyways because i know its done right and it works fine now. The only thing i can think of is it needed broke in, other than that i really don't know. It shifts fine and takes off hard and whats not broke i aint going to fix.
try leaving the plates in some oil for a day

They actually were soaking for about 24hrs from the time i filled the case until I finally started it up

My clutch did the same thing when i installed the new one. I put it back together anyways because i know its done right and it works fine now. The only thing i can think of is it needed broke in, other than that i really don't know. It shifts fine and takes off hard and whats not broke i aint going to fix.

How long was it from the time you put it back 'til you actually got it to work right? was there anything you did to "break it free" other than rev the hell out of it and dump it in gear. I'm not crazy about going that route b/c stopping then becomes an issue. Just doesn't sound like a good idea.
It started working right after a few spins around the yard. I knew for a fact mine was installed right is the only reason i let it go. I think my fiber plates are a tad thicker than new stock.
They actually were soaking for about 24hrs from the time i filled the case until I finally started it up

OK, I pulled the clutch plates out and separated them. Apparently the friction plates were sticking to the clutch plates; there was a very faint rust mark on each clutch plate in the pattern of the friction plate, so moisture must have got in there. So after peeling each one apart, I reassembled the stack and it was still a little "sticky" when I pulled in the clutch lever. But after the first little ride around, all's good. I:I
good troubleshootin bro, glad ya got it, and even my well worn ckutch plates will stick a little after sitting for a while, till it gets fully warmed up, they dont get completely covered in oil, just the bottom, so it takes a while for the oil to get to operating temps and onto the plates, then all is good
it appears warming it up properly isnt just for the cylinger/piston
good troubleshootin bro, glad ya got it, and even my well worn ckutch plates will stick a little after sitting for a while, till it gets fully warmed up, they dont get completely covered in oil, just the bottom, so it takes a while for the oil to get to operating temps and onto the plates, then all is good it appears warming it up properly isnt just for the cylinger/piston

Thanks AWK, I try post up the solutions to these problems and not just forget about 'em when the problem is solved. When I search the forums, there are always posts with questions but no answers. Gets frustrating. People get 'em working and forget about the problem. I know we all get busy and it's easy to forget