Well, my boy has never rode a clutch machine before. So I figure it's time to teach him. He gets it pretty good in first gear and tools up and down the street. He goes up the drive through the yard and down the curb. After about 10 minutes I figure i'll get to go up the curb. Not to bright!! Anyway, he's game so he goes for it after I tell him to hit the curb straight on. Now my kid is a bit small, maye 70# soaking wet after a good meal. He hits the curb and all he could do was floor it. Well lemme tell you, it was one of the finest wheelies i have seen in a long time..... for about 5 yds. At t hat point it was straight up and down and still gaining speed. He flops off the back and lands on his ass and back. The quad ghost rides into my house and skips off goes a little farther and smacks my fence and stops on my hibiscus plant. Small gash in the siding, but everyone is alright. I play it cool and get him right back on it, tooling down the street in first. He's good to go. Needless to say we got helmets now and I'm gonna rig a kill switch next.
"Wheelie Boy" is his new nick name.
I'm a little concerned. His nothing ass on a stock Blaster may be able to take my fat ass on my 240. That and the fact that when he get's comfy on it, like this summer probably, he can dam near achieve mach II. I would love to be 70# on one of these things!!!
"Wheelie Boy" is his new nick name.
I'm a little concerned. His nothing ass on a stock Blaster may be able to take my fat ass on my 240. That and the fact that when he get's comfy on it, like this summer probably, he can dam near achieve mach II. I would love to be 70# on one of these things!!!