Case saver......


Apr 14, 2013
SW Washington
I recently saw a post here that Kevin O'Connor Racing is making an aluminum case saver for Blasters, however now I can't find it. I shot Kevin an e-mail asking if he is still offering them as they are not listed in his online store. Does anyone know if he is still making them?
so question about these case savers..... has anyone actually busted a chain with one on??? i believe they work but would like to know
Where is KOR case saver? I didnt see one on his site?!
second row down on the far right

so question about these case savers..... has anyone actually busted a chain with one on??? i believe they work but would like to know

last season I busted 2 chains on my white bike, and had one get thrown on my black bike, both are runnin an aluminum/plastic style case saver made by a former member, my cases survived all 3 incidents, and those savers aren't half as stout as the KOR ones appear to be.
second row down on the far right

last season I busted 2 chains on my white bike, and had one get thrown on my black bike, both are runnin an aluminum/plastic style case saver made by a former member, my cases survived all 3 incidents, and those savers aren't half as stout as the KOR ones appear to be.

Can't wait to see if your as fast on your Blaster as you are on your keyboard. Lol.
second row down on the far right

last season I busted 2 chains on my white bike, and had one get thrown on my black bike, both are runnin an aluminum/plastic style case saver made by a former member, my cases survived all 3 incidents, and those savers aren't half as stout as the KOR ones appear to be.

That's why i didnt see it, no picture.
Can't wait to see if your as fast on your Blaster as you are on your keyboard. Lol.

i will send you home shaking your head the whole way back to deleware, mumbling...." this ain't right, just can't be, no way is an old man that fast" I:I

That's why i didnt see it, no picture.

c'mon man, you gotta read, that ain't no porn site, LOL
well, maybe it is.....blaster porn I:I
i will send you home shaking your head the whole way back to deleware, mumbling...." this ain't right, just can't be, no way is an old man that fast" I:I

c'mon man, you gotta read, that ain't no porn site, LOL
well, maybe it is.....blaster porn I:I

I'm up for the challenge. I think I have a chance as long as I don't have to race the Unicorn. Lol.
Oops, I guess I was late tot the party. Damn slow ass computer! LOL!

we all get beat by a keyboard ninja now and then, practice up grasshopper, soon you will be snatching the pebble I:I