

Sep 23, 2008
Irvington, IL
last week I had my bottem end redone because my left side of my case got messed up....well anyways my motor ran and ideled fine before pulling it when I got my motor back from the shop I put it back in. Anyways I went to ride it today and it starts and runs fine but it wont idle for sh*t i can run it wide open and it runs fine but when I go to let off the gas it compleatly sh*ts out any help would be apreciated I have tried ajusting the idle screw on the carb but still does the same thing...dont know?
did ya try the throttle adjustment and srew in idle srew all the way in. if not working still try adjusting air screw might hav been turned accidently.
all right ill give that a try in the morning hopefully this helps it I have never messed with this before do you think this will solve it.
yea im pretty sure I do this is that triangular piece on top of the carb right? but anyways i screwed the throttle cable in and this fixed my problem runs great now but should i worry about taking the tors thing off?