Carb setup help


New Member
Jun 9, 2011
Southeastern PA
Hi, I'm new to the forum and to working on carbs. I could use some advice on how set mine. I just ran it it for a few minutes after putting the reeds, oil block off, and advancing the timing and I didn't check the plug yet. I tran pretty good in the higher RPMS nut it felt like it was loading up before it really got going. I appreciate any advice you can give.
Thanks in advance
I have a '06 Blaster with...
Standard Bore
Toomey B1 pipe and silencer
Uni air filter w/o air box lid
Boysen pro series reeds
stock carb
310 main jet
needle clip-third position
Air screw 3/4 turn out
(per Toomey)
Oil pump deleted
fuel at 32:1
Timing advanced 4 degrees
14 t front sprocket
and I'm at about 400'-500' above sea level
I think that's anything and everything
have you cleaned the air filter lately? or the carb? also are the reeds warpped? what octane fuel are you running? with that timing advance you may need to run at least 93 octane to prevent detonation
what size pilot jet are you running? and are u sure the pilot jet isnt clogged. its very easy to clog and very easy to look over just covering the basics here.
You have to pull main jet and main jet baffle (little plastic piece held by jet) to get pilot jet, be sure you can see thru it and able to blow air thru passage. What oil and ratio are you using? How was it running before these mods? Check plug, maybe try new one. Set float height.
The other day I completely disassembled the carb and cleaned everything. The only possible issue I found was some build up on the needle valve that you get from gas with ethanol. I did use that additive the last tank to get rid of it but it apparently didn't get it all. I set the float height but I didn't get a chance to ride as it was raining pretty hard. The next chance I get I will see if that helps and let you know how I made out. Thanks for the help. On a different note, does anyone know how much Flow-tek charges for a port job? I wanted to get a bigger quad but nobody is giving me a reasonable offer for mine so I'm turning my Blaster into a sleeper.