ok im starting to do work on my blaster
i figured if i am going to mod it i might as well start small and work my way up to a 240 kit
i already have an fmf fatty and silencer
i premix 32:1
airbox lid is gone
i am having my stock cylinder bored over .040 piston size.
so i figured a bigger carb would be better so i ordered a 34 mm PJ KEIHIN carburetor. its a little big i know!
what size jet should i use on this carb for a .040 with my stats up top^ so far. and what should i jet that new carb too with a 240 kit?
please give me all you know of this carb iv never jetted a thing in my life.
oh btw what is better ct 240 kit or vitos 240 kit? are there any other 240 kits that are better?
randelator told me a 34mm carb and a +4mm crank would make a 240 kit worth the price and hassle so i got the carb first.
im gunna get a 240 kit in summer im leaning towards vitos any reasons not to go vitos? and i can have the 240 kit bored out to w e i want because my dads friend knows how. so what do you guys think of this i know its alot but im a newb at modding.. im more so a problem fixer not much of an upgrader.. every responce is appreciated thanks guys!I:I
i figured if i am going to mod it i might as well start small and work my way up to a 240 kit
i already have an fmf fatty and silencer
i premix 32:1
airbox lid is gone
i am having my stock cylinder bored over .040 piston size.
so i figured a bigger carb would be better so i ordered a 34 mm PJ KEIHIN carburetor. its a little big i know!
what size jet should i use on this carb for a .040 with my stats up top^ so far. and what should i jet that new carb too with a 240 kit?
please give me all you know of this carb iv never jetted a thing in my life.
oh btw what is better ct 240 kit or vitos 240 kit? are there any other 240 kits that are better?
randelator told me a 34mm carb and a +4mm crank would make a 240 kit worth the price and hassle so i got the carb first.
im gunna get a 240 kit in summer im leaning towards vitos any reasons not to go vitos? and i can have the 240 kit bored out to w e i want because my dads friend knows how. so what do you guys think of this i know its alot but im a newb at modding.. im more so a problem fixer not much of an upgrader.. every responce is appreciated thanks guys!I:I