cant do it


New Member
Feb 13, 2011
i cant git the f'n pictures to upolad to my thared ive tried photobucket an tinypic an did the exact instruction that was listed.itll let me upload them to my albums but not therad.every time i try to upload if ethier says invailed file or file upload has failed.someone plzs help
your copy and pasting the IMG tag off PB right? should come up with no issues.
did you click the icon on the top of the typing box that looks like 2 mountains and a sun? the second one from the right
if you use tiny pic. when it comes up and says your photo is ready. you copy the image tag the one that says for message boards and forums and just paste it into your message on here
The code will look like this (without the * in the IMG tag)


Then when you post your thread it will look like this
(except probably a better looking quad in it lol)
