can any body wheelie ??? and help teach wheeling


New Member
Mar 11, 2010
new jersey
well i got a problem i will in first geaR cuz im not use to second cuz the way the power band kicks in but any ways can some one tell me how to wheelie like 1. where to keep the throttle 2. what gear to do it in 3. how far back is the blance point please help
watch some vids on youtube.
put your left knee on the seat and your left foot in the grab bar keep your right foot on the rear brake. at a complete stop in first gear rev it a little and pop the clutch it will pop up on you if it come up to fast just hold the clutch in and hit the rear brake. if it doesnt come up you need to rev it more, id keep trying it like that till you get a feel of how to pop the clutch. once you get that down and can pop it up easily your going to start to find the neutral point were the bike would balance on its own.. you can also get a rough idea by just lifting the front of the bike in the air till it balances on it own thats your neautral point and the position you want to ride the wheelie in.
well,you cant really be thought to wheelie...its one of those things where you need to be confident in urself and have the balls not to be afraid to wreck...ive been stunting since i was 26 now...
but to answer ur questions...

1. Throttle depends on ur bike,none are the same and all react diffrent.
2. Normally 2nd gear bc its a longer gear and you can practice threw that for a while till you have that down
3. Balance,thats allllll on you and ur control,like i said all bikes are diff,and so are rider weight.

i know it doesnt help much but that basically all i can help u with bro.
that guy had his foot by the shifter. you want your foot by the rear brake trust me.

also lowering your air presure in your rear tires helps. and make sure you have the same exact presure in both tires or the bike will start to pull left or right while wheeling. if it pulls left you need air in the left tire or vise versa
well thanks and i got like the poping the clutch down its just the i was in 2 gear poped it up riding good taped the back break gave it gas tap the break than power band thats all i gotta say lol i put a hole in my oil tank but i got the blcok off kit soo no worries i got some of it down its just im 15 and just got my blaster running good and now i love poping the front and ridng out the gears thro a wheelie i got some really short vids of my first time doing a wheelie on dirt im not bad just not good and yeah ill put it up later ill have a new topic or ill keep it in this one idk but yeah thanks and looking on now
that guy had his foot by the shifter. you want your foot by the rear brake trust me.

also lowering your air presure in your rear tires helps. and make sure you have the same exact presure in both tires or the bike will start to pull left or right while wheeling. if it pulls left you need air in the left tire or vise versa

yep he did,but he stunts also so hes used to it..lolI:I
but for a newb your gonna wanna hover that rear brake. i say start with first gear wheelies cause it hurts less when you fall.. when you can ride a slow wheelie by using your balance point then your ready for any speed wheelie.. trick is finding the balance point. also two strokes are alot harder to wheelie then a four stroke cause the a band can bite you..
go into 2nd gear sitting down, pop the clutch and hit the gas hard when its finnally up to the balance point i let off the gas for a quick second when the bike shoots up fast then ur on ur balance point and you can go on forever
its kinda tough to "teach" how to do it.. but positioning your body more forward or back on the seat allows you to change the balance point to be more comfortable to you. as far as finding the balance point, thats something we cant exactly tell you..

btw if you dont already have a grab bar, you'll want one.
on a blaster theres not really a specific gear to do it in. i used to do it in third on my blaster and ride it till 5th then i got scared cause i was going too fast.