So I just got my reds in the mail. My original reeds had 2 parts, the petals and another base with holes in I needto reuse the base with my new reeds or do the boysen reeds lay flat on the cage?
There should be nothing between the cage and the reeds. Either the curved stock reed stop or the flat piece like Vito's supplies goes on top of reeds to hold them to cage, if that is all proper then your idleing issue is caused by something else. Most likely a leak on either side of the cage
Ok, mine doesn't have a reed stop, it has to be the flat piece like on the vito's reeds. I can get it to idle if I let it get good and warmed up. Now my problem is, after about 10-15 solid minutes of hard riding, it starts to lose throttle response, then it just dies. It won't restart until I let out sit for 5-10 minutes to cool off a bit. Then I can get another 10-15 out of it, then repeat.
OK. Sounds like you have an air leak and may be tring to seize. Don't run it any more until you figure out the problem. I would either do a leak test or pull assembly and use sealer on both side of reed gasket and between cage and carb boot. If you use silicon (not recomended as not really fuel resistant) allow it to cure fully before use.
I just used the strips/no stops w/vitos reeds on the blaster, and stock reed stops on vitos reeds on the banshee. As of now can't notice a difference and no opinion as to reed life.
although they are my reed of choice, the vf3's are even harder to get sealed correctly than a stock cage
use some rtv....hi-temp copper permagasket has always been my weapon of choice
a thin coat on both sides of the gasket has always worked for me, on stock cage or vf3's, you don't want it so thick it squeezes in or out, just enuf to form a seal, and allow to "cure" before doing a leakdown test