Bore Size

it seems like 80 over??
but dont bore it unless u have to it doesnt gain any noticable power it just ruines the cylinder. Get a 240 big bore kit thats the only way u can make power
I already have to 240 kit, but apparently, i broke a ring and it scored the jug some, and im on a budget.... Wondering about solutions, without getting a new 240 kit, just a new piston and rings... any ideas? 96 with the 240 kit...
umm, i know u can bore it out to a 244cc but idk if theres one before that or if that ess even safe i think freek is bored to a 244 though
I believe its .80 over piston size will be 68.25 mm but as said above don't bore you jug unless you have to for rebuild purposes, the gain you get from such a small bore is minimal and is a waste of jug life.

wow behind the posting curve, haha. not exactually sure on the 240 jugs, and it depends on if its an actual jug(vitos) or a sleeve kit (LA sleeve) The base for 240s are 72mm and I have seen a pistons up to 74 mm. But one thing you want to makes sure and I know this is in particular to the sleeve is that you will probably have to take it somewhere to have it replated.
What im thinkin is gettin a 72.25mm piston and rings and havin it bored to match? I dont know if that would be more cost effective than just getting a new 240 kit or not... But from what everyone is saying, I should be able to have it bored to 72.25mm without any real issues? And it would totally be for rebuild issues, I'm totally happy with the power of the 240 kit. But I would like to be riding again without spendin the $$ for a new 240 kit...
your best bet is to take it and have it bored and then measured. Buying the piston and then getting it bored you run in to the possiblity that they may have to take more material out and ahve to to 2 sizes bigger on the piston.
this is true... so you think i would be ok having the 240 sleeve bored slightly to eliminate the scoring? Boring that sleeve (with it in the jug) shouldnt cause me any problems?
Not sure what 240 kit it is... bought it that way.... just know its a 240.. .the piston is stamped 71.95 but has no brand i.d. that I can find.
depends on how bad the scoring is, can you hit it with a hone and clean it up, or is it deep enough that will need to be bored, Also like a said if it is a sleeve kit you may have to have it replated with nikisal.
Im not sure if its a sleeve kit or not, and i guess its not really a deep score, but around the exhaust port, it looks like the broken ring kinda mushroomed the wall out just a bit, more than i think a hone with take care of, but a good stone hone might i supose. I dont know which direction to go... I've only got $500 in the whole quad and cant see spending another $500 on a new 240 kit with a new sleeve.... but I realize I have limited options. Thanks for all the help everyone... I'll let you know how it turns out...