just remember when it starts coolin off you need to be jetting accordingly, you don't richen that thing up in the cold your gonna get some wierd performance followed by a hole in your piston, openly admitting your not a big carb tuner i would suggest you start reading plugs and get familiar with what your motor is doing with different temps and how to correct it, it's part of ownin a 2 stroker might as well get familiar with it and you'll have a lot better (not to mention cheap) experience, a good test i've always liked is hold your throttle at one position for a while and you should have nice smooth power, if not or your weary kill it and pull the clutch and check your plug, if your temps vary a lot like mine i like to run a little rich so if it cools off later in the day you don't pop it, also you won't worry about jettin as often with rapid temp changes if your a little fat on your jetting