bogging until power band


New Member
Jan 26, 2010
Hartselle, AL
Is it normal for a 2 stroker to bog and not have any low end power until the power band kicks in? I have trouble climbing hills when im in the woods unless i rev it up and dump the clutch in first gear. If its not normal what could be the trouble? I know that my oil seal behind the drive sprocket needs replacing. Supposed to be here tomorrow. Would that have anything to do with it? Thanks.
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you gotta give us more info, what mods you have, jet size in carb, have you try'd takin the carb apart and givin it a good cleaning, did this just start??? checked for airleaks???
No mods except for wiseco top end. no air leaks. what do you mean "adjust the needle"? It acts like its getting too much gas in the low rpm range, but when it spools up, it hauls. I have heard people talk about moving the clip on the needle but I have never done that. Is it tough? Which way do I need to move it? I have to do some work on it today, so I am going to check it out, see what I find. Thanks guys.
I checked the needle clip, it was 2nd from the top. I moved it down 1 to the middle. Now the low range is good but the top end is acting like it doesn't want to go. What do I need to do? Move the needle clip back up? Any help would help. Thanks.
maybe a crack in your reed.. pull the carb out and then pull the reed cage and look for tiny cracks or if the reed isnt sitting properly against the reed cage
Not a very good carb tuner but I took it apart today and cleaned everything, moved the clip back up 1 notch and tinkered with the air screw and the idle screw and got it better. Stock main jet by the way, and I live in Alabama but its been pretty cold here this winter, like in the teens and 20's alot.
just remember when it starts coolin off you need to be jetting accordingly, you don't richen that thing up in the cold your gonna get some wierd performance followed by a hole in your piston, openly admitting your not a big carb tuner i would suggest you start reading plugs and get familiar with what your motor is doing with different temps and how to correct it, it's part of ownin a 2 stroker might as well get familiar with it and you'll have a lot better (not to mention cheap) experience, a good test i've always liked is hold your throttle at one position for a while and you should have nice smooth power, if not or your weary kill it and pull the clutch and check your plug, if your temps vary a lot like mine i like to run a little rich so if it cools off later in the day you don't pop it, also you won't worry about jettin as often with rapid temp changes if your a little fat on your jetting