bogging down


New Member
Jun 3, 2013
Just got everything fixed on the nightmare blaster I bought. Just took it out for a ride. It's bogging now and again at about 1/4 throttle. However , It's bogging down nearly every time at 3/4 to full throttle. Could this be due to a rich main jet ? Also , I changed the exhaust from stock to fmf gold series with power core 2 silencer. I also put a k&N air filter on it. Any info would be greatly appreciated ........... Thanks in advance ......... Anthony.
If you have less than a #270 - #280 main jet then that will be the cause of 3/4 to WOT bog.

1/4 throttle bog can be caused by wrong float level, idle adjustment or needle setting.

Have you leak tested yet?

You can tell if you are too rich or not by pulling the choke on little at WOT, if it runs better you are too lean.
Blaaster , Thank you very much. I don't think my mechanic has leak tested it. I'm also not sure what size main it has in it. I have a fmf power up kit that can be installed. I also think he needs to do more reaming on the new idle screw hole. Removed the tors as it acted up. It will idle , but it seems to be kind of low yet. It's nearly all the way in as well. I will have him to check all these things. A bigger main jet makes it run richer ...... Correct ?
Blaaster , Thank you very much. I don't think my mechanic has leak tested it. I'm also not sure what size main it has in it. I have a fmf power up kit that can be installed. I also think he needs to do more reaming on the new idle screw hole. Removed the tors as it acted up. It will idle , but it seems to be kind of low yet. It's nearly all the way in as well. I will have him to check all these things. A bigger main jet makes it run richer ...... Correct ?

A bigger main jet makes it run richer but only from 3/4 throttle to WOT.

Idle is controlled by the pilot jet and air screw.

1/4 to 3/4 is controlled by the needle jet and the jet needle.

If the main jet is way too small it can affect the needle setting some.

The stages overlap some and the float must be set correctly to achieve good jetting readings with a plug chop.
I checked the plug , and it appears as it was actually running lean. The electrode looked slightly white. I'm thinking I was lucky that I didn't end up seizing my motor here. The main jet size was a 230. I got this changed to the 360 the fmf power up kit calls for. This is not however a true 360 jet. I got that changed tonight , However I still need to change the needle , and put the carb back on. What is the stock needle setting ? Groove wise ?
I changed the needle to the one supplied by the fmf power up kit. Installed 360 main , needle on 3rd clip. This really helped it alot. I no longer have bog , and man does the fmf exhaust perform well. 1st gear through 3rd gear is gone in no time. Thanks to all for the info that helped so much........... Anthony.
I checked the plug , and it appears as it was actually running lean. The electrode looked slightly white. I'm thinking I was lucky that I didn't end up seizing my motor here. The main jet size was a 230. I got this changed to the 360 the fmf power up kit calls for. This is not however a true 360 jet. I got that changed tonight , However I still need to change the needle , and put the carb back on. What is the stock needle setting ? Groove wise ?

I changed the needle to the one supplied by the fmf power up kit. Installed 360 main , needle on 3rd clip. This really helped it alot. I no longer have bog , and man does the fmf exhaust perform well. 1st gear through 3rd gear is gone in no time. Thanks to all for the info that helped so much........... Anthony.

Let us clear this matter up, you say it is not a true #360 jet.

Are you confused as a FMF calls for a #260 main jet.

If it is a #360 main, and it is running like you say, then you must have an underlying problem or an air leak.