blaster ?


New Member
Dec 15, 2009
York PA
well im highly considering buying a blaster this summer. A few thingss scare me though. Are they reliable? ive been reading around and people say that they are rebuilding the top end alot. I dont know if im really looking into having to rebuild it every year or so. Also I was reading about winter jetting. whats the deal with that how cold does it have to be that i would need to jet it richer. Also i plan on riding it in the snow , on trail, through mud, in the mountains, and through fields. would the stock jetting be good for this or would I have to worry about over heating. I might be looking at the wrong quad for me but i like the part support for the blasters.
thanks in advance. also i live in shippensburg and york pa
Well how big are you? Is this you first quad? Blasters are great, simple and very relibale if you know how to maintain them right.

But I'm 5'6" and I feel the blaster is cramped and too stubby... Theres not alot of room to get off your seat in a fast corner, the rear fenders in the way.. they ride stiff too.

If you have some expriance get a 250r or 450, you'll be much happier.
im 6'1 and around 180 ive never have a owned a quad before but i have ridden them. but i have had alot of dirtbikes in the past. im not to worried about it being small. i dont plan on racing or anything just trail riding with my gf. and what about rejetting in the winter? am i gonna have 2? also is there anything i should look for when buying one
rejetting honestly isn't a big deal , after you do it a couple times you get the hang of it . and generally for winter riding you'll just increase 1 mainjet size , so a simple hour long start to finish job and you are set , what I would suggest is this , get a couple extra stock carbs , jet one for the cold , jet one for over 3000 feet elevation , and one for fair weather under 3000 feat to sea level . simple carb/cable swap and its a breeze .....
what should i look for when purchasing one? sould i be worried about people not rejetting theres for winter or would that not really hurt it just cut down on power?
Maybe I'm just not educated enough in this area, but isn't a jet a whole lot cheaper than a carb? lol

Changing a jet is as easy as unscrewing 4 bolts on the bowl of your carb, unscrewing the jet, and putting another one in...

I would think it would be a whole sh*t ton easier and less expensive to change your jet instead of having separate carbs.

Or maybe I have no idea what im talking about?
Jetting is more crucial on a two stroke due to the gas and oil being mixed... so your jet is your oil too. Also being 6'1" you might want to think about sometihng bigger... also when you say trail riding with your gf... do you mean two people on the same bike... definitely need something different then.
no i ment buying 2 blasters. and so basicly for what im looking to do i should just go buy a 4 stroke atv and be done with it
Well.. my ex hated driving the blaster and the 250R... LOVED riding the king quad. In my opinion four strokes are better suited for women.
I'm 6'1 and I think the blaster is ok, even though it's smaller it's also alot more inexpensive to get one. Sure a 400 or 250r are bigger but generally cost 2-3 times as much unless you get one that's ragged out...

Also unless you have a tors removed I don't think you want to rejet with the carb on because you can't twist it sideways to see what you are doing.
ya i think i might just look for a 4 stroke most of my bikes have been 4 strokes and they do good in the winter and ive never rejetted them. thanks for all the helps guys i appreciate it
ya i think i might just look for a 4 stroke most of my bikes have been 4 strokes and they do good in the winter and ive never rejetted them. thanks for all the helps guys i appreciate it

You want a 4 stroke?Wait till you see the cost of a rebuild!!You will look like this>>>>:o
really..... 4 strokes are not that bad. they are really reliable, Don't take the racing 4strokes problems and apply the to all 4 strokes...I got an old 1981 xt250 thats never been rebuilt and has been badly maintained and probably has more hrs on it than some of the members here, and it runs like a champ.

A couple of honda trx 250x would fit this guys bill great.... tell you what send a used "just bought" honda trx250 and a used " just bought" blaster out in the woods, desert, anywhere else for that matter 100 times and see what happens

.my guess is:
90% of the time the honda will have no problems....
20% of the time blaster will have no problems....
80% of the time the honda will tote the blaster back to camp
10% of the time you'd have to find another honda to tote the 250x out of the woods because the blaster can't cause either its broken or don't have the torque to pull