blaster top end rebuild issues


New Member
Jun 8, 2019

I just completed my top end on my blaster and first start I get a piston slap noise. Thought it was odd but I thought I would run it through the heat cycles to see if it quieted. 2nd heat cycle little difference. I followed all necessary procedures, used all new parts, aligned circlips properly and made sure the rings were in the chamfer. I lubed all with 2 stroke, checked ring gap all checked out. I have decided to stop the heat cycles 10-15 minutes total run time, and open up the cylinder. No visible damage however, I can rock the piston a bit in the bore and i can turn the piston a bit left and right as well. Parts list, Pro X piston, piston pin, circlips, OEM wrist pin bearing, cometic gaskets, cylinder bored and honed, head rechambered. Im thinking maybe something to do with the wiseco rod with the pro x pin/wrist pin bearing? maybe piston was one size too small for the bore? Maybe the bottom end bearings Im am 99% positive that the noise is coming from up top? I checked when I tore down the bike initially and found no abnormal play in the rod or bottom end. I bought this quad not hearing it run as the previous owner showed receipts of a bottom end rebuild and thought I would roll the dice for the good price, so I have never ridden it so I can't say this noise isn't what the bike has run like its whole life nor can I speak to any history with the bike. Any thoughts on this would help tons as I am stuck as to where to go next.