Blaster quit while riding yesterday

New Member
Jul 17, 2010
New Jersey
Ok so my 98 blaster which is bone stock quit on me while riding yesterday. I was more or less topped out in sixth gear and it just shut down completely. Since then I am only able to get it to idle but when i give it gas it bogs and dies. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I have already replaced the plug and disconected the tors system as per the diy thread.
It sounds like you fried the topend. Do a compression test. It will still kick over fine but all your compression is escaping by the rings. Or just pull your head off and look at your cylinder walls to see if they have scratches.
Did you disconnect the wire from the TORS controller to the throttle assembly? Mine did that after I disconnected the TORS and I had forgot to do that. It would start and idle fine but as soon as I touched the throttle, it would die. Hope this helps.