blaster has no or little spark


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
hi i have a blaster its got little spark sometimes and then isnt getting any. starts up, then dies from loss of spark, anyone ever have this problem before?. the bike has also sat for a few months i just redid the topend.
Start with a new plug,clean and tighten all your grounds, check plug wire for defects., make sure cool mounting points a clean and tight. If any of that doesn't help, check stator output.
If it has enough to start it should have enough to keep it running, maybe a fuel problem.

What are the symptoms when it stops running, stops suddenly, or misfires?

Check to see if you have a good supply of gas.
spitting out gas when trying to start it and when it does start, it runs for a few, its getting fuel it has to do with week spark, before the topend blew, it started first kick has tons of spark, now a few months later i re did the topend, and its getting very lil spark sometimes none,
My bad, seems there was a simular thread recently. Anyways check that ALL connections are clean/no corrosion, tight add dielectric grease to them. Coil mount Must be clean bare metal, better yet is to run seperate ground back to engine. Ohm all switches both on and off. Ohm coil and stator and plug cap seperately. Trim 1/4" off coil wire, add dielectric grease, install plug cap.
Be sure ALL ground wires are clean tight and add Di-grease.

Dielectric grease protects from corrosion and water.

Pull stator cover and make sure there is no water or evidence of water having been in there. If there is you will need to get a flywheel puller and clean the poles on stator and inside of flywheel.
You can also check your stator for resistance with a tester. The values are in the manual. As Larrys Shee stated there are values in there for testing your coil as well.
Okay I have a problem cant figure it out for nothing, I followed a video on you tube on how to take the TORS off a 95 blaster, Not sure I done it right, the plug that was going into the top of the carb I cut it off, was I suppose to put the two wires together? Reason I done it was because it had no spark, it started once after taking the TORS off but got no spark again now, checked the CDI and its a brand new plug, what could it be
Okay I have a problem cant figure it out for nothing, I followed a video on you tube on how to take the TORS off a 95 blaster, Not sure I done it right, the plug that was going into the top of the carb I cut it off, was I suppose to put the two wires together? Reason I done it was because it had no spark, it started once after taking the TORS off but got no spark again now, checked the CDI and its a brand new plug, what could it be

Did you unplug the brain up under the hood? Little box, three wire plug. If yes, reread all posted & lincs in this thread. report findings.
I was wondering if you could help me I believe I have a 99 blaster just got it for a project quad just got the bike all together went to go fire it up I had no spark so I unplug the black/white wire off of cdi box now I have lil spark but bike still won't start any suggestions??

Need to know pre 03, or 03-06. Go through everything suggest we in this thread.
1987 - 2002, have certain cdi/ TORS
2003-2006 have different cdi/TORS.
Need to know to help

" Pre" means " before"

Check through the rest of this thread
I havenew plug new coil n all grounds are clean I just unplugged the black/white wire from cdi box n it gave me a lil spark but can't tell if it's enough to fire it up and there's gas leaking from my Reed valve gasket and thru the drain tube why is that?