For as much money and time youre going to spend, if you dont have a high knowledge/skillset/access to custom fabrication, you might as well do a rebuild.
For 500 dollars, you can have a pretty damn quick blaster. Not to mention, if you find some random motor, you dont really know when it was last done, and they only get so much use on em between rebuilds, so, you gotta take that into consideration.
Id personally just do a top end, pick your builder, have a trail port done, put a good pipe on it (even just a cheap FMF will wake one up and pair decent with a good porting job), maybe go up to a 30ish mm carb, and get it jetted and you will be REALLY happy with the results.
A ported, 240 big bore kit properly done will make over 40hp. 40hp on a blaster is quite a bit faster than a stock banshee. 40hp on a blaster is still keeping up with a stockish piped/jetted banshee. And I guarantee you, if you ever rode one of those, you woudlnt think you need more power.
Engine swaps are cool, and Id love to swap a Honda 250r engine into my blaster, but I also know realistically I dont have the fabrication skills necessary to do it. Most people dont either. Most people just wanna ride their shizz. So, trail port with a few bolt on goodies will put a smile on your face for sure.