Blaster down on power/hard start


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
warrenton, va
Hello everyone. I am currently working on an older gen blaster. It was here because it needed a new crank seal. I replaced the crank seal and tried to start the quad, and it wouldent start. I discovered one of the reed petals was broken, so i replaced them with boysen superstock reeds. the quad was recently rebuilt on the topend with a big bore kit. the oil injection is removed (properly). It has a DG pipe and silencer, and a stock airbox. the jetting is currently 280 main and 35.5 pilot, with mixture screw to stock location. I have tried unhooking the TSR and leaving it connected. the quad was running and had good power before the crank seal went. It feels to me like its never coming on the pipe, the quad is just simply a turd. Any help would be FANTASTIC.
i cleaned the carb already. i tried several jet settings too. i tried a 250, a 270, and the 280. the bike had a 190 in it, because someone else thought it was running to rich and thats why it was smoking. but it wasnt run but for a minute with the 190.
if it still has alot of white smoke and you replaced the crank seal then its leaking from the two case halfs.. and if your burning gear oil it'll run like crap and it will act as if its running rich..
Hook the tors back together properly,it may start..

Mine did this,i unhooked from the carb/sensor/hood and it wouldnt start,i hooked it back up with the sensor in the throttle box now it cranks

Does it feel as if its not even firing?