Blaster Carb HELP!


Jun 6, 2016
Okay here's the issue : I just put a new toomey on the other day , I have not yet put the new jet in . The Powerband is fine in 1-3 but once you get into the higher gears it bogs out . Is that becuase it's not getting enough gas ? Should I put this jet in that came with the toomey kit ? And the carb is also leaking a lot of gas out of the drain line on the carb , any ideas on what I should do?
Riding with a new pipe and not jetting will blow that motor real fast. I would not ride it again until you work on the carb. You are going to need to list all your mods, temperature, and elevation of your riding area for us to give you an idea of what jetting to run. You will have to plug chop from there to find out exactly what you need. As for your leaky carb, that could be a bad float height or your needle and seat not sealing properly. When you go to mess with your jetting, you need to check your float height. If that is off, it will effect your entire jetting range. If it is within spec than your problem with your leaking fuel is probably the needle and seat.
My elevation is 354'ft.
Temp is 80-95 .
And how do I check the float height I don't have A measuring tool that measures that small
Will a normal ruler work ?


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need to be right at 13/16" if you don't have metric on it. If you have metric than 20-21.5mm. That new jet doesn't tell us anything unless you can give us a size for the jet. You can do a plug chop to see how close that jet is.
I have a stock engine , stock carb . No air lid on air box . And I put the jet in that they just gave me , it's a 310 jet .
Okay guys here's the verdict , I put the new jet in "310" and moved my needle jet to the 3rd slot . SHE RUNS GREAT. Better then I could ever ask I don't think this thing could get any faster . There is no lag what so ever thorough the powerband or any gear . But the only issue now is that it's still pouring gas from the drain line it over flows constantly I checked the float lvl and it "looked" good . Maybe I just need to take it to a mechanic :(
Go to carburetor sub-forum, sticky " Easy and almost free way to stop leaky carbs" Does work. Need to inspect float valve.
Also sticky on how to set float. You really need a small machinist type scale. Only a couple bucks, one I got is both metric and standard. I be afraid of bashing the carb with that rule.

In that sticky it shows how to hold the carb and where/how to measure from gasket surface. Float level is critical, no "Close enough" to it.
You also still NEED TO do a proper plug chip to see if that 310 is correct, not just feels good.
You can find the "how to plug chop" DIY in the carb section also