Been Developing a Game...


Sep 4, 2009
Hey guys, this has been my project for a little while now, and it's come a long way. Quadrider10 and TripleB have known about it and tested out some features, but I'm ready for a semi-public release.

I've been working on a simple game that you control a ball (actually a marble) and navigate a level, getting to the end and trying to accomplish the best time. Right now it only has 7 levels, but it is completely ready to have more. It also has a level creator that users can make any level they can dream of, and then upload it for others to play!

Today I finally implemented a login/registration feature so that users can rack up times and have them all linked to their accounts. Also, users will be able to save levels privately so that only they can download them, that way they can edit them until perfected before uploading.

I've been working on this since the beginning of summer, and took a break until about last month, and am now at it again. I have made every part of the game, every line of code, and all the levels. It's been hard but very rewarding.

This is a quick video demonstrating what the game is. I need to now clean up some of the menus, tweak some features, and finish all the levels. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to say so. Also, if anyone wants to give it a go, just PM me and I'll give you a link. I'm not giving the link away publicly mainly because the servers may not be 100% locked down yet. I'm still coding some of the server-end stuff, but at this point it should be rather secure. I would love some feedback...

Anyway... here it is! About 8,000 lines of code, 70 files, and lots of hours of work.
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Pretty cool, you are talented for sure! No doubt we will see your name as designer and programmer for some national companies!

Would of been cooler if the marble was a blaster! Just kidding! Awesome bro!
Pretty cool, you are talented for sure! No doubt we will see your name as designer and programmer for some national companies!

Would of been cooler if the marble was a blaster! Just kidding! Awesome bro!

Thanks slick! What will be cool is when people can import any pictures they want to be on the marble... so realistically, you could have it a picture of a blaster! That's the next thing that's happening, and those will also be sharable.
Yeah I like the game looks good. I dont even know how to make a website haha

Thanks man! I'd suggest getting into web development... it's addicting. And once you get the more advanced coding of websites down, you can easily convert that into a game, program, or anything!
Thanks man! I'd suggest getting into web development... it's addicting. And once you get the more advanced coding of websites down, you can easily convert that into a game, program, or anything!

What this says in real terms- Blah blah blah blah blah a game.
Over this old mans head that's for sure bro! But u got it no doubt!

Lol, I appreciate it. I've posted a more detailed log on a developer forum and have gotten almost no feed back for a few days. It's a tough scene, but it's nice to have some reward out of it. I hope to get a decent amount of players.
If all it involves is a mouse and a button or two , I'm in! i can't figure out how to control all those xbox, ps2,3 controllers too much crap to do!
UPDATE: Been working on making it compatible with Kongregate. I have a marble select screen now that you can choose different marbles (only have the one right now), and also alter stats. The stats include Speed, Jump, and Boost.

Increasing speed simply makes you roll faster.
Jump makes you jump higher.
Boost will make your boost last slightly longer, and also boost you more.

Users will be able to customize and upload their own marbles, though this is a bit of a confusing and server-demanding concept as there will be lots of uploading and downloading. This will take a while to implement, so it's going to be later on. I plan to have 10 premade marbles included with the game.

At this point, I have to finalize the login system, make a level unlock system (makes it so you have to play in order, and it will be linked to your account what levels you played, so you can't automatically go to level 30). Also, I want Kongregate users to be able to use their Kongregate account, so they won't have the hassle of registration again. If you are logged in on Kongregate, you'll be logged in on the game. Pretty cool.

The main menu alone has been completely recoded, with nearing 1000 lines of code just for the login/register, main menu and marble customization screen. A lot of work is going into it, and it's really starting to look good.