The wheel hubs are a fit, but the brake rotor on a pre 03 needs to be swapped for a Banshee one.
Post 03 the Shee axle is a direct swap.
This has been discussed and rediscussed a couple time over the last month or so.
yes it has been discussed many times. if you put the banshee axle on your pre 03 and end up with a "fixed" rotor along with a "fixed" caliper, you're going to have problems. by "fixed" i mean not moving from side to side. THERE IS A REASON YAMAHA MAKES AT LEAST ONE OF THOSE ITEMS "FLOAT".
The wheel hubs are a fit, but the brake rotor on a pre 03 needs to be swapped for a Banshee one.
Post 03 the Shee axle is a direct swap.
yes it has been discussed many times. if you put the banshee axle on your pre 03 and end up with a "fixed" rotor along with a "fixed" caliper, you're going to have problems. by "fixed" i mean not moving from side to side. THERE IS A REASON YAMAHA MAKES AT LEAST ONE OF THOSE ITEMS "FLOAT".
Blaster brake disk does not fit onto banshee hub!
So either take blaster disk to shop and get the inside diameter circle opend up more, or buy a banshee disk,