Anyone play Paintball??????????????????????

Oct 16, 2008
southern IN
does anyone play paintball if so what gun do you have and what do you play speedball woodsball or what?

i have an Angel a1 that is blue to black fade that i am trying to sell or trade for a pump
i play.... i got a proto rail with all the goodies and i mostly play woodsball and occasional speed ball..... i have like 5 guns, tipman 98, bla bla bla...... my proto is the skillzzzz
i use to but now it just sits there. its ICD promaster blue with aftermarket air regulator an clmaping feed neck an evo3 hopper an a crossfire 45/5000 its all sitting there collectin dust... i use to play speed ball all the time an play woods ball an like towns ball.
use to play on a team but that lasted for a couple games an then 2 of the 3 of us quit. an i wasnt the one to quit ethier :(
i use to but now it just sits there. its ICD promaster blue with aftermarket air regulator an clmaping feed neck an evo3 hopper an a crossfire 45/5000 its all sitting there collectin dust... i use to play speed ball all the time an play woods ball an like towns ball.
use to play on a team but that lasted for a couple games an then 2 of the 3 of us quit. an i wasnt the one to quit ethier :(

yeah thats a nice gun! theres 2 pev's up the road from us that i alwys go to... great times!
It's been about a year or two. But I use to play all the time. I only had a 98 custom but I still had fun with it.
i ws on a team i got first in one tourney it was only 2 teams lol , then me and my bro played in another tourney and we got 3rd speedball and there was 3 teams me and my bro where the only ones who were any good lol
I play every now and then but its kinda expensive right now. My setup: 08 eclipse ego w/ tadao oled board, cp 68/4500 hpa tank, draxas pulse (reball loader) /viewloader vlocity (paint loader) i also have a vsc phantom pump anodised blue/black.
lol i play now and again,not really a lot of fields in scotland nor do my friends play:(

although i do have a tippman 98c that im selling,just some basic mods:
stock,double triggerand a 16" J&J ceramic:D
i use to play awhile back.i had a spyder 2000 that i added an expansion chamber to and an rev was fun but then everyone i use to play with just stoped playin and it just sat for like 3 or 4 years so i sold it
i never played paintball, but one time while my girlfreind and i were playing, i let her paint my balls, (blue) hahahahaaaaaa
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