am i to BIG for a blaster???

Apr 21, 2008
long island, New York
well i'm 5'10 265 and i'm looking to get another blaster,but today when i was at the dealer poking around in the service bay with my 15 year old sister it just look too small.i have ridden them and loved it but my pals was a lil modified. so looking for suggestions from the blaster family on here.get another blasty or find a new toy.
if i post in the wrong section sorry
you might be a bit cramped in it. as in your knees might rub against the front fenders. Just remove them. as for the chassis, get a longer swing-arm and wider a-arms as well.
put some intake/exhaust mods like a pipe to wake up the motor.
well im 5'10 but only 130 but my brother is 5'10 like 520 and he road mine when i think i just had vitos reeds and a silencer or with my fatty header either way he didnt feel cramped and said the power was goood and he rides a 450r just dont expect too much ya know? well ya expect alot with mods lmao
I am 6'1, 200 lbs and the only problem I have is with the front fenders.
I also have a z50r, and a little 110cc chinese atv and I have as much fun on those as anything else. So, just because you might be a little big doesn't mean its not fun.
Well I am 6foot around 240 and some guys on youtube say I look to big and some guys on here call me a big ox on mine too but I have a +3 swingarm and a +1steer stem. My knees dont hit and it is fun just to beat around on the thing. Not a comfy as a bigger one but still fun.
you're on the heavy side for the weight rating of 220 for the blaster. I'm 220 and I have a blast on my blaster!! It's not the power that will make the quad too small for you, it's the chassis. You might be happier on a 250r or a 400 of any make.
5'11" 270. But, I built my blaster to fit me. +4 Swinger, Diamond J +6, Rear Spacers, YFZ Rear Shock, +2 Handle Bar Raisers. I have no problems at all fitting or staying on the bike. I dont hit the front fenders either.
i am about 6ft 230lbs and mine is fine ... my knee hit when i had the stock bars .. and i got some pro taper bars off a shee and that helped alot and race cut the fenders for more room ..

yea what is up with that i seen a blaster at the dealer and it looked really small compared to mine lol ..
dude i have a stock on and a one that is wide and race cut and they look so different. In my opinion don't buy a new one, buy a used one and biuld it to fit you. With bars to fit your hieght and sh*t like that. if you but a used one by the time put put the right mods on it you will have spent the same as a new one and now you will have a sweet quad all moded up. Just my opinion
yeah a shee for 2k sounds alright, as long as its got work done and looks good go for it. I might be trading my 250 for a 92 rm250 plus my plow for the rm and 500
im 5'9 140 lbs and i love my blasty but i want a kx250 or yz 250... anyone know any for like $500?? that run and wont need work?
jesus i think all the time that im outgrown on mine and u guys r like 220 plus. jesus. u guys need banshees. im like 5'10" 150 and i thinks its tiny but its wicked fun. u can usually find banshees for like 1500 that dont need work. my friend is selling a raptor 660 for 2000 rite now.
im about 6ft 225lb and im getting mine tomorrow.. ive never ridden a blaster before the bike im getting tho has extended swing arm. and cut plastics as well as aftermarket bars so i dont think im gonna have a problem.. all depends on what you want i guess.. good luck on getting ur shee or blaster