All Gears Not Working/Mechanic


New Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hey All. First time on so bear with me here. I have an 01 that will not shift gears other than 3rd and up. Any suggestions? I am also looking for a knowledgeable, honest reapir shop/mechanic in the Raleigh NC area who will not knickle and dime me. Any recommendations?
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try backing out the drain plug a tad like 1 turn, sometimes the drain plug will be in to far and interfere with shifting stuff

/\ that.

then you'll need to pull the clutch cover and inspect the return springs on the shift shaft, and the shift star action.
(remember to be turning the wheels for it to shift thru the gears when not running)
if the shifter doesn't return to it's nuetral position it will not shift to the next gear.

you can simulate the return springs by trying to return the shifter manually with your hand/foot.
pull back up slightly after downshifting, and push down slightly after upshifting.
if that gets you the missing gears, chances are good those return springs are off or bad.