A little light reading (must for newbies)


Apr 15, 2010
Small town, ON, Canada
Here is an online version of jenning;s guide to 2-stroke tuning. It is written based on 2 stroke motorcycles like the yamaha t2's and such, but there is definately solid knowledge in here to keep even pro mechanics busy. There are two books in the 2-stroke world Graham-Bell's and Jennings'

Read and enjoy, or fall asleep, or get endlessly confused, but most importantly LEARN!


http://www.vintagesleds.com/library/manuals/misc/Two-stroke Tuner's Handbook.pdf
oh man i nominate this for Whitty's first informative post ever :p

good stuff, i've made if about halfway thru jennings book but then lost the file. now i can get back on track.
first informative post my ass lol

and for all those not very tech savy, u may have to download adobe to view it, but dont worry, it is a usefull program that u should have anyways, and it is free, it will prolly prompt u to install it. Once u do, u view it as a pdf. and when viewing the pdf there is a floppy disk icon to save it. then u can save it and not lose it if the site crashes or u forget the website, and i guess u could always print it too, but at 177 pages, thats a lot of ink and paper and it would prolly be cheaper to buy a hard copy lol
I will save this read for a rainy day or a power outage because otherwise I don't think I can find the motivation to get through it!