A Blaster


avoiding the DNR Nazi !
Mar 26, 2008
Mid Michigan
Looking to buy a used Blaster. Not looking for an extreme bike, but something stock or near stock, and under $1300 or so.. Let me know what you have. Must be around MI.
No one is selling a Blaster around MI? I am ready to buy one for my son, and I am hoping to make a deal within the next week or so...Anyone???

i have one in angola, in that ill sell you but i have a guy interested in the motor but if that deal doesn't fall through then ill sell my blaster for 800.00

its a project bike...the electrical isnt hooked up...the carb needs cleaned...rear tires arent on...misc. nuts and bolts need put in.

comes with brand new rear DIRT DEVIL tires (but they need to be put on the rims), stock nerf bars (need painted), freshly painted frame, newly redone motor, stock pipe, stock muffler, stock axle, blue gas tank cover and hood, grey fenders, DUNLOP front tires (need SLIME), blue shocks, blue seat...

but if you are interested then PM me but that guy is thinking about buying the motor off of me but he hasnt replied in 3 days so who knows whats going on. its 75-80% done, if you have any other questions just ask me on here or call me at 1-260-665-6667

Thanks, TJ
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I have a mint 99 model with aftermarket head, pipe and muffler. I am getting it in a trade deal on wednesday. I would part with it for $1200 for a quick sale. I am in southern indiana, and would drive to meet you in the middle someplace if interrested.

My email is timothyhixson@hotmail.com

Send me a note, and I will get you pictures as soon as I get it.
I have 1 in oklahoma would meet half way fresh rebuilt motor new plastics,bars,nerfs,would take thirteen hundred for it would be a great deal