98 stock blaster will not idle/ top end issue???


New Member
Sep 6, 2016
Hello all! Newb here. I picked up a 98 on a trade and I'm having a few issues. I'm sure hope somebody here can help.
I found this thread researching the issue so before I start ripping and tearing, here goes:
98 blaster basically stack except full FMF exhaust. Starts and runs good as long i keep revving. As soon as I let off it dies. Will not idle whatsoever. And also, when I'm riding, if I try to really get on it, it will kind of die off like there's no fuel going in. Zero throttle response. Then after it sits a few minutes it will start right back up just fine. From what I found across the net, I was thinking reeds and TORS? Any input on this would be awesome and greatly appreciated!
The lack of idling is probably from dirty carb. Gas nowadays is terrible!

I'd start with some easy things...clean the carb well. Take out all the jets, spray carb cleaner through all the passages, then blow them out with compressed air. Make sure you have a good clean oiled air filter. Get a fresh B8ES spark plug also.

Make sure the float height is set at the correct height. Air screw should be set at 1.5 turns out from lightly seated.

The pilot jet should be a 32.5. Check and see what size main jet is in there. The numbers will be on the bottom or side. The FMF pipe calls for a larger main jet. Anything that effects airflow in or out of the motor will come into play when trying to select a main jet. Temperatures and elevation play a part in this too.
Thank you very much for the advice! I'll definitely try that first. Hopefully later today I will be able to get started on it.
Ok so I finally got time and got the carb out cleaned it up. There was ALOT of crud inside! I replaced the plug a few days ago with a new b8es And rode a few times before today. The problem now is, After I cleaned the carb really good and reinstalled it, it won't kick over now. And when I turn the gas selector back on, fuel just runs out of the line on the bottom of the bowl. I didn't disassemble anything. I sprayed carb cleaner through all orifices and blew air threw everything. I could see clear daylight through both jets when I was done. Now, I'm at a complete loss as to why the gas is running out and it won't kick over??????? Can anyone HELP ME PLEASE??!!??
Sounds like your floats stuck, or the needle seat isn't sealing off all the way. Did you clean out the needle seat really good?

I hate to tell you this, but take it back apart, and see what's going on in there.