i have a 1997 200 blaster was riding it and it acted like it was runing out of gas and quit wont start by kick but if u pull it be hind a car it will start and run as long as u keep moving but u stop it dies some 1 please help
Check ebay for a top end rebuild kit. But measure your cylinder to see how big it is, check for scarring, and get a crank seal kit for your leaking shifter. I bought one for $15 shipped and tomorrow im gonna replace all my bottom end seals
my case is broke arund the shifter and thnx for the info i found a wsm top end kit for about 80 i pulled my top end a part today and my piston was shot and my rings was broke i think my jug is fine somebody said marine tex whould fix the crank case where it was broke my bottom end is still fine all bearings sound good