4cfed is CONFUSED!!!


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
so im surfing youtube like i always do.. and i find this...

someone care to unconfuse me on this?? one black dude is wearing a black flag shirt ( american punk band that started mid/late 70s, at a few points onther is wearing a misfits shirt.. and there pierced and tatted up with punk style tats.... im confused...

NWS for language

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you think you're confused????
they are the confused ones, and i'd like to see the look on their little wanna be thug freinds faces
im mean seriusly where i lvie the brothas wanna be gang bangers and drug dealers.. and these guys are dress like 80s/90s punks.. im not judging them im just lost.. its wayyyyyyy out of tylical fasion...