400ex cracked frame.....


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
So when we unloaded the bikes my dad checked his over and noticed a crack above the shock mount. i told him not to ride it but he did anyway and now theres 2 cracks. so we will be stripping it down and rebuilding the whole bike. so we only have one working bike great!
I'm with ya. I had a small crack in and upper tube. I was going to just weld it but the more I looked the more cracks I found. Oh well. Time to gusset it and fix everything!
yep right in that bend above the shock mount was a spot that is very commonly cracked, mine was crached there too but was rewelded by the orginal owner, another commom spot for cracks is in the front tubes wright behind the bumper.....mine is also cracked and rewelded there, but i have another flawless frame thats gettin a guesset kit and powdercoated so im good
we will gusset it and powder coat it. its also getting a 426 big bore kit, and possibley a stroker.......
haha those bikes are sooo sh*tty my buddy wrecked his into a tree and bent the entire frame, its also cracking at all the joints like yours too. he got a race frame thats re enforcied for 350 bucks and were in the middle of swapping them over. Its a biotch and it aint no blaster!! trust me the swing arm bolt is nasty if its been in there for 5+years...

good luck
haha those bikes are sooo sh*tty my buddy wrecked his into a tree and bent the entire frame, its also cracking at all the joints like yours too. he got a race frame thats re enforcied for 350 bucks and were in the middle of swapping them over. Its a biotch and it aint no blaster!! trust me the swing arm bolt is nasty if its been in there for 5+years...

good luck

Its barely been jumped its bullshit it shouldent be cracking already.
Its barely been jumped its bullshit it shouldent be cracking already.

its doesnt matter how much you jumped it....you could not have jumped it at all....just anykinda stress will put those stress cracks in it......like i said those were VERY common spots for cracking
None of my bikes work now! i need new fork seals in my cr125 sh*t! i need my blaster fixed, do blaster's have frame problems?