339 vs 340 jet - difference?


New Member
Jun 16, 2010
In your dreams.
Just picked up a '03 Blaster this weekend and have been having fun on it.

I posted a problem that I worked out involving my carb yesterday (thanks for the help).

I was just wondering about the jet in there. I noticed a 339 jet in there as stock, but when I picked it up, the previous owner gave me a 340 jet as well.

What would be the difference between these two jets? Which one would be better to use on a bone stock bike?

Thanks alot!
i dont think they make a 339 jet. i know jets go up in increments of 10 until you hit i think 400 then they go in 20. not 100 % on that but i think
it probly says 330 and you just misread it....and your not gonna be able to see any difference by just jumping up one size....
On a stock bike the main jet should be 230 and they also come with a 240 main, I believe for cold weather riding