3/4 stroker w/ port


New Member
Mar 2, 2008
Basically i bought a used quad for after market parts to put on my 04 blaster, the motor had a 3mm stroker and trail port done to it, also lighten flywheel, and machined head. My question is, I also have another bottom end that has a 4mm stroker in it, should I take the ported head and the flywheel and put em on the 4 or leave it on the 3 that was orginally set up for it, I wasnt sure if when the port work was done if it is desinged for the 3mm and if it would actually loose power by going to the 4.
do you know who ported it and what was all done and is there spacer plate with gaskets or is it a recessed head ?
lol actually you ported it, and im not sure what the guy said about the head, but he said he ahd you do somthin to it, and yes i have the spacer