2nd gear


New Member
Aug 17, 2010
Fayetteville, NC
getting ready to put my cases back together and noticed 1 tooth was missing off of 2nd gear....they seem to roll nice and mesh well,need I worry?
Yes, you should worry. If the transmission has ripped a tooth of a gear already, the gear is literally waiting to fail. If a gear fails it will slams the works to a stop (if your lucky) or force the shafts apart hard enough to break out your cases (if you're unlucky).

I have a set of transmission gears you can get cheap. I bought them off a member here for little to nothing and they're in usable shape.
The 3 most important things you don't won't to cut corners on are your transmission,your engine,and your exhaust... Wait for the parts before you put everything together ( if you haven't already done so ) and fix it. The have the fun of running the piss outta it! Good luck man...