265 cc kit?

do the math and see what all it takes to = 265cc.
it's more than just that cylinder and 75mm piston
yet that add fails to tell you that = bogus selling tactics
Fine print at bottom mentions case bore and 4mil crank. After seeing the vid of a 265 blowing up at the dunes I don't know if I'd go that route. Blew the jug right off the cases.
Fine print at bottom

like i said, "fine print" = shady advertising practices.
as it comes, is not as advertised.
it is nothing more than a big sleeve installed in a stock cylinder with matching piston, not a 265cc kit.
if it were me I'd rather get a 240 bore over a 265 bore because it is unreliable, actually idk if i would even get a 240 bore to be honest.
More reliable=less money=more happiness
Why would any one spend that kind of $$ on some half @$$ um.. whatever. To spend the same amount a week later on some real craftsmanship that will last you much longer with better performance and make you 10x happier to get you the results you "thought" you would get with this.. fine print my boys fine print.. simple rule of thumb the smaller the fine print and the longer and more they try and explain in the fine print the worse n sneakier it is.....